Google Earth is probably one of the more overhyped inventions from the software giant. Is it cool that I can zoom into my house and see my car? Yes, it's very cool. But does this superzoomglobe thing remotely help me in any pratical way? No. Not really.
However, the very impracticality of it creates scenarios that are hysterical. Hence, someone managed to create the "Top 10 Moments Caught on Google [Earth] Street View" (via Digg).
My personal favorite, and number one, is above: the two dudes having a Star Wars fight in the middle of a lawn. It's almost like George Michael filming over his grandparents 40th anniversary wedding tape, only with more real people and less embarrassing proof of who they are.
There are some disturbing ones on here as well (the tragic passing of a deer, public urination, a burning house) and some pretty funny ones too (girl flashing Google Earth car, drunk guy asleep on a lawn) but the point is this: you are always being watched. So trust no one.
Actually, the point is that if you see the Google Earth car, put down your Star Wars gear and try to act cool.
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