People get married in odd places (underwater, Las Vegas chapels, haunted houses, funeral homes, etc.) all the time. Go ahead and add "30,000 feet in the air" to that list, because easyJet has requested permission to hold wedding ceremonies on airplanes.
"If our request is replied positively, then so called 'floating on cloud nine' would get a new meaning for people in love - and we can offer another special service to our passengers."It would also be awkward if no one was flying the plane too, Cap. Of course it would make more sense (logically speaking) to have an actual ordained minister performing these rituals. But fiscally, I suppose a guy trained to fly an airplane will suffice in administering the holiest of vows.
[...]EasyJet captain Jeffery Husson added: "To officiate a wedding is a special honour for me.
"It would be exciting if I could marry couples above the clouds."
Of course, there's one key issues here: where do the folks go for the honeymoon? The restroom seems the only logical place and, well, that's just awkward. Actually there are probably more, but I suppose when you concede to getting married by an airplane pilot, that's just one of the things you prepare for.
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