Thursday, June 11, 2009

South Korea Offers to Pay Tourists Who Contract Swine Flu

South Korea has a new twist on swine flu: if you get, you also get paid! I know, it seems ridiculous, but it's their big "tourism promotion" for 2009.

See, the H1N1 New Strain Influenza Cash Relief Program is designed to keep tourism alive in South Korea and remind people that even if you contract a possibly deadly (who knows, right?) or possibly harmless version of the flu, you can still get straight paid.

Well, kind of -- they're offering NT $100,000 to any tourist who contracts the swine flu while traveling in South Korea. The good news? It's money! The bad news? It's only $3,000 American.

But as we discussed in the PTG corporate headquarters, it's not like getting the swine flu is going to kill you or anything*. Or, at least, it probably won't. And if you contract it in South Korea, you're getting three grand for your troubles.

Additionally, after July 1, if you fly on Korean Air, Asiana Airlines, China Airlines, Eva Airways or TransAsia Airways and contract H1N1, you're getting three Grrr as well.

This is, of course, the first ever program of its kind: no tourism board as ever offered money for contracting a virus. And it probably would have made our list of "viral" marketing schemes for 2009 if it had been announced this week, because even as big of a pessimistic gamble as the whole thing seems, it's still pretty fascinating and at least worth getting some love by the media.

Also, the economy's down and money is nice, no?

*Please note we may not be considered licensed physicians in the United States.


Jonathan said...

If Thailand started giving money to tourists who contracted viruses, the country would be broke.

Anonymous said...

"viral marketing" huh, huh, dat's funny

Ahmed Sultan, ITC said...

This is a revolutionary idea in promoting the tourism industry.
Of course, tourists will not go to South Korea to make 3,000 US$. However, the message is clearly saying that the Korean authorities are serious about keeping the country clean form the virus, and that they will not forget their responsibility toward any tourist who might catch the virus in their country.
Finally, if someone is fated to catch the virus, it is better to catch it in South Korea. At least, virus with money is definitely better than virus without money!