Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sears Tower Name Change Official: Welcome to Willis Tower

On the somewhat terrifying -- and certainly earpopping -- ride back down from the Sears Tower Ledge, myself and several others in the crammed elevator noticed that the term "Willis Tower" was being thrown around. This was no surprise as a Sears Tower name change had been previously tossed around.

However, it seemed safe to say that Chicago natives wouldn't warm up to that idea, no more than renaming Wrigley Field "The Tribune Stadium at Wrigleyville" or something silly like that. But, it appears as if the new owners of America's tallest building are going ahead with the renaming process and as of this Thursday, the Sears Tower will be no more.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you the WILLIS TOWER. Cue the angry mob of Chicago natives demanding that they get to keep their piece of history in addition to the "What you talking about Willis?" jokes. Sigh.