Airport music is airport music. It's never going to be something I want to personally listen to, just because it has to be generic and pleasing to everyone and whatnot.
But the Atlanta airport has taken it to far, recently purchasing the rights to three R&B songs and then remaking them to be "clean." Literally.
As part of an initiative to keep the airport clean and get people excited about the airport's new shops and dining options, officials there bought the rights to three popular R & B classics: "Shake Your Groove Thing" by Peaches and Herb, "Bustin' Loose" by Chuck Brown and the Soul Searchers and "Fantastic Voyage" by Lakeside.
With rights secured, Doug Strachan, Creative Innovations Manager for the City of Atlanta Department of Aviation, rewrote the lyrics and invited the original artists to record the revamped songs.
It's actually a pretty cool idea -- subliminally tricking people into thinking that they're somehow not miserable sitting in the airport waiting for 14 hours to get on a plane from Atlanta to New York. I mean, normally, you would think, "God, I hate my life." But in Atlanta, you think, "MAN. My miserable life feels really clean right now."
Okay, maybe that's a little sarcastic. But still, I did "Get Your Clean Th-ing!" stuck in my head for the last hour, so I think it's the least I can offer.
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