The dreaded SWINE FLU is making the "bird flu" rounds in America right now: everyone is terrified of this virus that's sweeping the nation with it's coughing and sneezing and occasional hospitalization.
And as a result, US officials are cautioning against "nonessential travel to Mexico."
This isn't the first time either (this year even!) that people are becoming terrified of our neighbors to the South. Crime sprees near Tijuana had people all kinds of freaked out earlier -- and much of that terror still remains, only now it's being amplified by the threat of semi-serious disease.
What's weird is that the CDC (Center for Disease Control) is kind of freaking out about this, yet, everyone has recovered from the dreaded SWINE FLU. I'm not saying we should take it lightly and laugh at it (Lord knows I think I actually contracted a case sitting in a phone booth at the Philadelphia airport this morning) but what I don't get is that if this virus makes people feel sick why they would treat it any differently than a normal case of the flu.
But here's a more relevant point in terms of travel: GO TO MEXICO. Seriously, do it. Swine flu isn't sweeping the entire country, no more than it is infecting all of America. Which means, right now, you can probably sneak across the border for a Caribbean vacation on the straight-up cheap. Personally, I recommend checking out some of Apple Vacations' deals.
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