Friday, June 19, 2009

PETA Asks Phish to Change Name to 'Sea Kittens'

Quickly, for relevance purposes: people who listen to a lot of Phish travel frequently, and Phish's new green travel blog is known as "Traveling Light" (lawsuit forthcoming, natch.) With that out of the way, let's get down to the nitty gritty (and get this show on the road): PETA spokespeople have asked Phish to change their name ... to the "Sea Kittens."

Is this the stupidest thing ever and a blatant publicity stunt by an increasingly irritating organization hell-bent on punching everyone in America squarely in the eye? Most likely. Hence, a letter issued to media outlets!

The letter, addressed to Trey Anastasio, Jon Fishman, Mike Gordon and Page McConnell, says the request is an attempt to gain empathy for fish, "because few people are aware that fish are actually smart animals with personalities."

"For example, they communicate and develop relationships with one another, feel pain when injured (their lips are particularly sensitive, and they use them like we use our fingers), show affection by gently rubbing against other fish, and even grieve when other fish they like die," the letter continues.
OhmysweetGod. COME ON. I mean, really. REALLY? This is what it's come to now that Michael Vick has served his prison sentence and Phil Spector is no longer allowed to wear dead squirrels on his head? Harrassing a hippie-trust-funded jam band that doesn't seek in any shape or form to take empathy away from actual fish?

It's not even annoying anymore, it's just freaking sad.


Jocelyn Plums said...

By giving them attention you just make it worse, so delete this post if you're so sick of it.

breakbeatninja said...


Unknown said...

ok, i'm definitely ordering grouper for dinner now.

Unknown said...

my vote is Staba whale as the new name...

jflorek said...

Salmon for dinner!

Unknown said...

I'll show 'em. I'm going to have sex with a fish and then eat it!

Unknown said...

Bob has the right idea. Maybe we can have a giant fish orgy.

The Reluctant Traveler said...

@Bob - Where's Led Zeppelin when you need them?...

William said...

I almost thought this was a bogus article but I used the evil IE to visit the evil PETA site and came across this that, yeah, PETA is a bunch of pathetic tree huggers out to ruin the world we live in with meaningless campaigns such as this. I would recommend to the author to add this link to his post:
So people can read the deluded piece of propaganda themselves.

Ryan David Hall said...

PETA Kills Animals

I think this says it all.

Lee said...

Have you seen the sea kittens website?

How horrifically naive and ignorant they are. Simplifying things beyond absolute belief.

Unknown said...

PETA does tremendous good, and there is a well funded anti-PETA campaign run by the fast food industry to smear their name. Claims that they are killers are all lies. There is big money in smearing PETA. I investigated this and when they discovered that I was, three big guys came to me one afternoon and made it clear that I had the choice of shutting up or writing lies for them. If I continued to investigate my life was in danger

Unknown said...

Paul Giza asks PETA to go fuck themselves.

Trott said...

PETA's letter asks Phish to change their name temporarily to publicize PETA's (probably boneheaded) Sea Kittens campaign. (Judging from the content of the letter, "temporarily" means for one day or so at the end of their tour.) They are asking Phish to throw their campaign a sympathetic publicity bone, not complaining that Phish is an insensitive or offensive name.

The letter is at

Devin said...

Thumbs down for shoddy reporting. Though I'd say that's more an issue for WPTZ than you.

Gunner said...

Hmmm, catfish for supper sounds good... Catch 'em, nail 'em thru the head to a board, skin 'em and cook 'em... Yummy!

PETA fails (still) to understand that humans were designed to be meat eaters, hence why we have sharp "Canine" teeth to tear and chew with; if we were meant to be herbivores, we'd have teeth more for mashing and grinding, like cows...

Unknown said...

PETA is the collective expression of the crazed obsessive tendencies of nut crushing controlling women throughout the world. Half of these women are in PETA, the other half are members of Code Pink. Warning, men: Do not mate with these women!

Any males associated with this organization are nut crushing gay men, or in denial of that fact.
ssxoom4a,(concert tickets)

robwestseattle said...

@Bob - nice Mr. Show reference. That's where you were going, right?

robwestseattle said...

Let's try that youtube link again:

robwestseattle said...

finally, it's clickable!

mr. show

Maddie said...

Isn't Phish a computer term? Whats so important about that??

Unknown said...

well who cares anyway. There's plenty more phish in the sea

Anonymous said...

I'm going to use this for some publicity of my own... I run a website dedicated to giving phans a chance to see sold out Phish shows via live streams.

It's called PHISHTUBE